The current WS69 has various temperature and humidity module designs. This particular version features an older fixed-type temperature and humidity module design.
Before purchasing, please confirm compatibility with customer service. Incompatibility may result in device damage. Please be aware.
Below are the steps for replacing this temperature and humidity module:
Note: This accessory generally only applies to Ecowitt brand products. If you are using other brands of weather stations, please make sure to find out the wiring sequence of your weather station before purchasing this product, if the wiring sequence is different, please do not purchase, otherwise it will lead to the failure of the weather station, and we are not responsible for it!!
Compatibility Instructions
for all ecowitt network consoles
Please follow the table to make sure you choose the right sensors and concoles before check out.
Note: The "1/4/8/16" means 1 console supports 1/4/8/16 sensors
( excluding accessories )